September 2, 2016 0 min to read

Kommunarka Chocolate Factory in Minsk

Category : Travel

One sunny day, we had a special treat. Grandpa got us permission to go on a tour of the Kommunarka Chocolate Factory. First, we went to the guest room and on the TV we watched a video about the history of the Factory. Then we put on white robes and hats to keep the factory clean, and then went to see the production lines. It was so exciting! Then we went through it. We tasted wafers (mouthwatering!) and then chocolate-covered wafers (even better!). They were Deeeeeee-licious! After that, we went to other candy making centers and tasted other wonderful things. When we finished tasting the candy, we went to the guest room and I’ll tell you one more surprising thing: it was packed with chocolate! So we ate more of it and then we got our presents: three candy bars each! Evan got four. I wanted to live in the factory.

Kommunarka is a great place. I want to go there again!

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