September 27, 2016 0 min to read

The Farm

Category : Travel

One day my mom’s colleague Sagar invited us to his wife’s parent’s farm. When we came there, I got to drive a motorbike. It was fun just driving it around the field. we also got to play hockey. We took hockey sticks and dribbled the ball along the ground. Unfortunately I lost every time I played. We also went to herd the cows(or, we went to SEE the cows!) and skip stones. It was very fun. Then we went to the barn. It was evening and Sagar said the wild kangaroos come out at that time. And they did! We saw about 6 kangaroos jumping about! Also, when we were already in the car, we saw other kangaroos jumping in front of our car! It was so cool! I must come back someday.


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