April 13, 2017 0 min to read


Category : Travel

Today we went to Procession, a religious parade that is part of the Easter celebration. The parade is famous because of the floats that are carried by people. The floats are extremely heavy. The people need to take rests now and then and there are a lot of people that are ready to switch with the people who need a rest. There are two floats. One of them carries a statue of Jesus  and the other has a forest of lit candles.  There are a lot of people that are dressed up in costumes. The people are completely covered with the costumes like this:

I bet you it must be SUPER hot under the costume. We even saw a person faint! But we got very good seats (I do not think that because of the fainting). There were also people that gave me and Evan candy. My favorite flavor that they gave me was caramel (mmmmmmmmmmm……).

It was a great day. I can not wait to see this celebration again.

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    ReplyMisha Kovko April 29, 2017

    When I look at these photos I get scared, I think about the Spanish Inquisition.