May 17, 2017 1 min to read


Category : Travel

Today we went to Bioparc, a zoo that holds African animals (and ONLY African animals). We went, got pictures near a gorilla statue, and went to see animals from Madagascar . The first animal was a yellow-billed stork and a flock of flamingos. After that there were lemurs. We crossed into the Equatorial forest and saw gorillas, chimps, lemurs, bongos (a type of African antelope), gazelles, red river hogs, and fish (?). I found out that I am about as tall as a male gorilla and the chimpanzees climbed the big trees (without branches and leaves) that were in their enclosure. They also made this sound that you can make if you shout and clap your hand over your mouth and take it off quickly and keep doing that. I also noticed that there was hardly any wall to stop the animals from climbing out (okay, there was a fair amount, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t out in the open). There was an aviary that had about six types of birds in there and a mob of meerkats. There were also mongoose, giraffe, zebra, and lion enclosures nearby, so we went to look at them.  The giraffes were tall and very nicely spotted, the mongooses looked ready to eat cobras, the zebras kept looking at me and the lions looked like they were ready for a good long nap (yawwwwwnnnnn). After those animals we went to the gift shop and left Bioparc.

Bioparc was really nice. It was the most open zoo I have ever been too. It felt as if you could touch all the animals. It was beautiful. In the Biopark we also met nice friends – two boys named like animals Lev(a) (means Lion) and Misha (means Bear). I hope we come back again.

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Comments (4)

  • avatar image
    ReplyMisha Kovko June 6, 2017

    What do you think about zoos? Is this good or bad?

    • avatar image
      ReplyEmilian Andrew Lipnevich June 6, 2017

      Some zoos rescue animals. For example, in Auckland the zoo rescued Little Blue Penguins. Some of them were even missing flippers! They wouldn't live without the zoo's help. Also, zoos breed animals that are close to extinction. Overall, I think zoos are a good idea if animals live in nice conditions.

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        ReplyMisha Kovko June 10, 2017

        There is a sense in what you write. But I think that i would not wanted to live in a zoo ;) My opinion: people should more try harder to preserve the reserves.