Archive for: June, 2019

June 28, 2019 7 min to read

Belgium: Fun with old friends

Category : Travel

School has ended, kids! Here comes summer, the season of extreme fun and, in this case, traveling (also/all so funnnnn)! So, let’s start summer off with: BELGIUM!!! To break our flight to Thshnh, Zwhpu (I don’t want to uncover the next post, but if you want to try to decipher Thshnh, Zwhpu, here is a clue: CaesarR...

June 27, 2019 2 min to read

Villageography (School Project)

Category : Travel

Hello, people! I’m really sorry for not writing more, but here is a blog post just to pique your curiosity/interest! Basically, in school, on Friday 7th period there is an activity called Genius Hour. What that is is you get to make your own project and work on it throughout the whole school year. It’s actually pretty ha...