April 15, 2017 2 min to read

Toledo: the El Greco Town

Category : Travel

Today we went to a place other than Madrid. You already probably guessed it. Wait, what did you just say a second ago? Oh, yes, it’s Toledo! And the way we got there was by a train that went I don’t know how fast. Fine, it went faster than I have ever been in my life on the ground (I think it goes about 120 mph). The train was called AVANT.

When we came to the station we met a lot of sunlight (and people). And OH MAN WAS IT HOT. I got dehydrated maybe the moment we came out of AVANT. We walked for a bit and crossed a bridge over a river. The end of the bridge led into a castle that looked like this:

(the castle is on the right, the bridge on the left)

We went through and came to the square. There were SO MANY people, and a really nice candy/chocolate place. (if you ever come there, try the colorful looking-like-jelly candy). The city of Toledo is amazing because it combines three cultures that coexisted together – sometimes in peace and sometimes with some quarrels. It’s Jews, Muslims, and Christians. That’s why the architecture there is very beautiful. It combines elements of all cultures. So in the square we got on a train that took us around town. It told us about Toledo and once stopped for everyone to take pictures. It was nice (and you got a good view from up there). This is how it looked like:

Nice, right?

As I was saying, it was nice up there. Also, When we were at the square, we got a ticket for me to go on the zipline. The Toledo people say it is the longest urban zipline in the world. Well turns out it is probably REALLY famous because we came there and there we saw a VERY long line. So we decided to go to the El Greco museum first. El Greco was an artist from Greece, and when he moved to Spain people started calling him El Greco (which means “The Greek”). For most of his life he lived in Toledo, and the people are really proud of it (’cause El Greco was one of the best artists in the world). They have some of  El Greco’s best art, and lots of it. We came back to the line, and it had considerably shortened. I came to the front of the line, put on my helmet and gear, held on, and jumped off. It felt good and was good, and I had a good first time being on a zipline. Then we got on a taxi, drove to the train station and sped back on a train back home (that is, to Madrid).

Toledo is a great place. I definitely want to come back someday.

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