June 8, 2017 1 min to read

Nice and MONACO!!!

Category : Travel

It took two hours to get to Nice, and our house turned out to be on the top of a hill with a very good view of Nice and a pool and a jacuzzi. We fell asleep almost immediately.

The next day we decided to drive to Monte Carlo, a city in Monaco. It takes a little bit (30 min.) to drive to Monte Carlo, but it took us a little bit longer for us to get there because the way to get there was just one word: tunnels, tunnels, TUNNELS! We finally got to Monte Carlo, went to the casino and saw 3 Ferraris in a row! They were all fire-red. Mom went into the casino to gamble and lost a little bit (not much). We also had some ice cream, which was delicious. There were so many very expensive cars! It was crazy.

We couldn’t stay in Monaco for long because our plane was today, so we looked at the harbor and botanical garden, said good-bye to the casino, and drove to the Nice airport. We were flying to Rome, Italy, so we will have good ice cream 🙂 Bye, Nice and Monaco! I will miss you!

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