February 15, 2018 2 min to read

Night Safari on Chinese New Year

Category : Travel

Have you ever been to the zoo at night? Not because you were left behind and nobody can hear your screams, and you are thinking of the best ways to avoid being one of the animals’ dinner? Actually, I was there on purpose and the Singapore Night Safari zoo is always open at night.

Singapore has the only fully nocturnal zoo in the world. It is usually crowded, because it is so awesome. But we decided to go on Chinese New Year.  Chinese New Year is more widely celebrated than Dec. 31, so we figured that there would be very few people there. And right we were.

We came to the zoo at about 9:00. We were here on a lucky day, because the excursion trams that went around the zoo came every 10 minutes. They usually came once a hour! We came onto the tram, waited about 5 minutes, and then the tram started to move. The guide told us great stories about the animals. My favorite was the lion, and the tour guide told us how Singapore got its name. According to legend,  a prince was out on a hunting trip on Temasek (Singapore’s old name)  when he caught sight of something that looked like a lion, and so named it “The Lion City”, or Singapura. A pretty nice story! We saw a thousand other animals other than the lion. All of them were nocturnal, which I think is awesome. Also, EVERY single animal that we saw was active! For example, the hippos were running/walking through the water, the flamingos were standing around (but still moving), and the African Elephant (it had TUSKS) was drinking water from the river! It was awesome!

After the tram tour, we went to the Creatures Of The Night Show. We sat down in the theater, and then the show began. They brought out animals and the animals showed all kinds of tricks and showed off there amazing senses. The audience sometimes got to come on to the stage and help out with the animals. I got to go onto the stage and play with the Binturong. A Binturong is a little bit bigger that a red panda, and it has black hair and climbs trees. It is also called a Bearcat because it does look like one! It showed the audience (and me) its great sense of smell. I put a grape in one of my hands and covered it. The Binturong tapped the hand that it thought had the grape inside it, and it was correct! It chose the correct hand! It didn’t eat the grape, though. I like being on stage, so it was extra special. The other animals were also amazing.

After the show, we went to the gift shop and Evan and I each got a gift. I got a glow-in-the-dark shirt, and Evan got a stuffed fox (which he called Skylar). We liked the zoo a lot, and we want to come again soon.


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    ReplyMisha Kovko March 25, 2018

    I’m very glad my friends that you did not become a dinner for animals! ;) actually very funny start of text.