March 23, 2018 3 min to read

Eating The King Of Fruits (Interview)

Category : Interview, Travel

On Saturday, Mom’s colleague said that we should try eating the smelliest fruit in the world: Durian, The King Of Fruits. This is an interview of Mom, Evan, Dad, and me when we tasted and smelled the fruit. We had an reporter come over. His name was Emilian; )


Question: What did you expect?

Mom: I was hoping that I would like it. As a family, we are generally very open to trying new things, and the fact that we were getting used to the smell of durians made me hopeful that I would like the taste of it.

Question: So, how was it?

Mom: Okay, so imagine a mixture of garlic, chives, and onions, soaked in sugar syrup overnight. Can you imagine it? I wouldn’t have, but that’s precisely what it tasted like. But even that wasn’t the worst. The texture… it felt like I was eating some really dense mayonnaise. I shiver thinking about it. 

Death Question: Would. You. Like. To. Try. It. AGAIN??

Mom: No thanks, I’ll pass. Having said that, my colleagues said that durian flavor and quality varies greatly depending on the type, so maybe I need to try a different one to like it.

Question: Would you recommend it to someone who has never tried it?

Mom: Of course I would. It’s an interesting experience.



Question: What did you expect?

Dad: I expected it to be more smelly that it actually was. I expected the smell to knock me off my feet. I also preparing myself for an unusual texture.

Question: So, how was it?

Dad: Well, it was sweet… and unpleasantly slimy.

Death Question: Would. You. Try. It. AGAIN??

Dad: Probably not.

Question: Would you recommend it to someone who has never tried it?

Dad: Definitely. We saw a very long line of people buying durians. There is always a chance that it’s going to become someone’s favorite fruit.



Question: What did you expect?

Evan: I thought it would not taste very good.

Question: So, how was it?

Evan: It tasted like very very very very sweet sugar, but some sweet sugar that didn’t taste good. It felt slimy, like some squishy slime. It smelled horrible. I do not like that smell. I didn’t like the durian. Why do people grow durians anyway? P.S. I have a Mecha Dragon made out of LEGO with Lloyd and Sensei Wu (comment from Emilian: What does It have to do with durians? Only a four year old would know.)

Death Question: Would. You. Try. It. AGAIN??

Evan: A-nope!

Question: Would you recommend it to someone who has never tried it?

Evan: You could try, I guess.


EMILIAN’S INTERVIEW (I’m just asking questions to myself now)

Question: What did you expect?

Emilian: I heard that the Durian tasted good from some (reliable) sources, so I thought it would taste better than it smelled up close.

Question: So, how was it?

Emilian: I kind of liked it at first. It tastes sweet, but with some… flavor that doesn’t go well with the sweetness. It smells worse that I usually smell it. Also, the texture was weird. Kind of slimy! It was hard to eat, and when I swallowed it, my stomach felt a little bit of discomfort. Other that that, it tastes good.

Death Question: Would. You. Try. It. AGAIN??

Emilian: I guess, but that would be only if I was forced to.

Question: Would you recommend it to someone who has never tried it?

Emilian: I would. I would also like to see the look on their face when they tried it!




Aaaaand here you have it! The interview of every single member of the Lipnevich family!

Provided by Emilian Interviewing Corps.


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Comments (6)

  • avatar image
    ReplyKen March 28, 2018

    Nice post Emilian! I also want to try the durian fruit one day! Hope you have a great rest of your trip!

    • avatar image
      ReplyEmilian Andrew Lipnevich March 30, 2018

      Thanks, Ken! The durian IS a must-try. Doesn't taste very good, but maybe you will like it when you try it!

  • avatar image
    ReplyMisha Kovko March 25, 2018

    It’s so funny and actually very interesting text! Thx Emilian:)

    • avatar image
      ReplyEmilian Andrew Lipnevich March 25, 2018

      I like it too. The thing is, I was the reporter, and all of the interviews were true. All the text is true. And it is pretty funny!

      • avatar image
        ReplyMisha Kovko March 26, 2018

        Sure! And Ivan so serious interviewee. ;)

        • avatar image
          ReplyEmilian Andrew Lipnevich March 26, 2018

          LOL! When I was interviewing him, he kept asking if I could play LEGO with him. My blog is less important!