October 16, 2016 1 min to read

Arriving in New Zealand

Category : Travel

We came to New Zealand late at night. It was cold AND it was raining. The next day, luckily, it got warmer and it wasn’t raining. One of the first places that we went was Sandfly Bay. It is a bay with sea lions and penguins. On the way we saw a lot of sheep and beautiful scenery. When we came we needed to walk through a sheep pen. We tried to pet them but they kept running away from us. When we came to the sand, we saw a seal! It was big and very fat. I read on a sign that New Zealand Sea Lions are endangered. Dad almost got eaten by one (exaggeration!) but he didn’t because he climbed up a cliff. Even me and Evan practiced climbing a big cliff too in case we also get chased by a sea lion! Then mom spotted a white dot on the cliff. I looked through my binoculars and saw that the white dots were Yellow-eyed Penguins! We came close and the penguins posed for the pictures. I also found out that these penguins are very rare. It was so cool to see penguins and sea lions in the wild!

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