Post Tagged with: "Italy"

May 14, 2018 0 min to read

First Day In Ladispoli

Category : Travel

When we flew in to Fiumicino Aeroporto in Rome, it was a bright, sunny morning. We came out quickly and drove to Ladispoli (a suburb of Rome). We lived very close to the sea. We ate breakfast, and went out to walk around. We ate delicious Italian croissants. They weren’t called croissants, though😂. Rather, they were cal...

Interesting Facts About Places I Have Been To While This Blog Existed

April 20, 2018 5 min to read

Interesting Facts About Places I Have Been To While This Blog Existed

Category : Info

This post includes a fact file about every place I have written blog posts about. Belarus Fact File Main Industries: machinery and equipment, mineral products, chemicals, metals, textiles, foodstuffs Famous People: Thaddeus Kosciuszko (Belarusian, Polish and USA revolutionary hero and general),  Marc Chagall (artist), Petr Klimu...

Why Are We LEAVING!??!?!!?

June 28, 2017 0 min to read

Why Are We LEAVING!??!?!!?

Category : Tip

Our last day in Lama dei Peligni was great. We ate arrosticini for dinner and had a lot of fun. We said bye for the year and went to sleep. We woke up at 4 o’clock because it took 3 hours to get to the Rome airport. Dad was flying to U.S.A. and we will not see him for a month and 2 weeks. Mom, Evan and I were flying to Belarus ...

Cave of the Big Horse

June 25, 2017 1 min to read

Cave of the Big Horse

Category : Travel

We decided to go to Grotte del Cavallone, a cave that looks like a horse’s eye. You get there by cable car (which takes about 10-20 min.) and THEN you need to walk for 10 minutes, and on a 20 degree angle! Our cable car ride took a longer time because in the middle of the ride we stopped and were hanging in midair for 5 minutes...

Aqualand Aquapark

June 23, 2017 1 min to read

Aqualand Aquapark

Category : Travel

One sunny day we decided to spend the day at Aqualand, an aquapark in Vasto, a city about 1 hour away from where we lived. It is a amazing park, with 9 slides, a lake and a pool, not to mention a water massage place. We came and I immediately went to the 4 slides. There were 4 colors: blue, yellow, white and red. B and Y were slow an...

June 22, 2017 1 min to read

De Cecco Factory

Category : Travel

Have you ever heard of a brand called De Cecco? For those who don’t, De Cecco is a pasta brand, and Veronica, Mom, Doriano, and I were going to have a tour in one of their factories! The factory was in Fara San Martino, which is close to where we lived, in Lama dei Peligni. We came there, put on robes and hats, and went inside....

Cristina’s Birthday

June 14, 2017 1 min to read

Cristina’s Birthday

Category : Travel

We came to Lama dei Peligni (which is the place where the girls live) in the evening. It is a very nice place on top of a mountain. They have a dog named Levis and 3 cats named Diego, Pirate and Marquees. They are very cool and cute and nice pets. We lived in the bottom level of their house, which was very beautiful and had a big pat...

3 Days in Rome

June 10, 2017 3 min to read

3 Days in Rome

Category : Travel

We touched down in the evening. We drove to our house and I found out that our house was big, had a balcony and was 2 blocks away from the beach! It was very nice. The next day we went to Vatican City, the place where the pope (Pope Francis) lives. It is very hot and we came to St. Peter’s Square, the square that has the St. Pe...