Post Tagged with: "Lama dei Peligni"

Why Are We LEAVING!??!?!!?

June 28, 2017 0 min to read

Why Are We LEAVING!??!?!!?

Category : Tip

Our last day in Lama dei Peligni was great. We ate arrosticini for dinner and had a lot of fun. We said bye for the year and went to sleep. We woke up at 4 o’clock because it took 3 hours to get to the Rome airport. Dad was flying to U.S.A. and we will not see him for a month and 2 weeks. Mom, Evan and I were flying to Belarus ...

Cave of the Big Horse

June 25, 2017 1 min to read

Cave of the Big Horse

Category : Travel

We decided to go to Grotte del Cavallone, a cave that looks like a horse’s eye. You get there by cable car (which takes about 10-20 min.) and THEN you need to walk for 10 minutes, and on a 20 degree angle! Our cable car ride took a longer time because in the middle of the ride we stopped and were hanging in midair for 5 minutes...

Cristina’s Birthday

June 14, 2017 1 min to read

Cristina’s Birthday

Category : Travel

We came to Lama dei Peligni (which is the place where the girls live) in the evening. It is a very nice place on top of a mountain. They have a dog named Levis and 3 cats named Diego, Pirate and Marquees. They are very cool and cute and nice pets. We lived in the bottom level of their house, which was very beautiful and had a big pat...